Mechanical vs Membrane: Which Keyboard Should You Choose?

November 22, 2021


When it comes to choosing a keyboard, two main options often come to mind: mechanical and membrane keyboards. While the choice may seem simple, there are a lot of nuances to consider before making a final decision. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between mechanical and membrane keyboards, highlighting the pros and cons of each.

Mechanical Keyboards

Mechanical keyboards are often regarded as the superior option due to their build quality and typing experience. They are typically more durable and have a more tactile and responsive feel when typing. Mechanical keyboards use individual mechanical switches that are activated when a key is pressed. These switches use a metal contact point to register keystrokes and are designed to last longer than the rubber dome contacts found in membrane keyboards.

Mechanical keyboards also come with customizable features that allow users to tweak the keyboard to their liking, such as swapping out keycaps and changing switch types. However, they can also be noisy, which can be disruptive in shared spaces or in quiet environments.

Membrane Keyboards

Membrane keyboards, on the other hand, use a thin, flexible membrane layer under each key. When a key is pressed, the membrane layer makes contact with a circuit board to register the keystroke. Membrane keyboards offer a lower-profile and quieter option, but they lack the tactile feel of mechanical keyboards.

Membrane keyboards are typically cheaper and can be a good option for those on a budget or those who don't need to use the keyboard extensively. They are often used in office settings due to their low noise levels.

Which One Should You Choose?

When deciding between a mechanical or membrane keyboard, the choice ultimately depends on personal preference and budget. If you are a heavy typist or gamer, a mechanical keyboard may be the best option as it offers a more tactile and responsive typing experience. However, if you are more budget-conscious or work in a shared space, a membrane keyboard may be the better option due to its lower price and quieter sound.


In summary, both mechanical and membrane keyboards have their pros and cons. Mechanical keyboards offer a more customizable and durable option with a more tactile feel, but they can also be noisier and more expensive. Membrane keyboards offer a lower-profile and quieter option, but they lack the tactile feel of mechanical keyboards. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and budget.


  1. Sarker, S., et al. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Membrane and Mechanical Keyboards from Typing Experience, Performance and Comfort Perspective. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

  2. Corsair. (2021). What are Mechanical Keyboards?

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